zabbix triggers demo

zabbix version

Tested in Zabbix server v2.2.2 (revision 42525) and Zabbix agent v2.2.2 (revision 42525)

function last

Update interval(in sec) of this item is 60,so this means the file size has not been changed 150 minutes.
Maybe a better way, the demo in is not detail enough.
Pay attention,the function of last(),last(150) means the value of the last 150 seconds.last(#150) means the value of the last 150 time, the time is decided by the update interval.

The function last uses a different meaning for values when prefixed with the hash mark - it makes it choose the n-th previous value, so given the values 3, 7, 2, 6, 5 (from most recent to least recent), last(#2) would return 7 and last(#5) would return 5.

function min

Update interval(in sec) of this item is 5,so this means Network incoming on is too high. min(5) means last 5 seconds,the total incoming of eth0.If Use custom mulitplier in this item is default(not used),this means 15MBps.If Use custom mulitplier is 8,this means 15Mbps.

Someone is downloading a large file from the Internet
Use of function min:
The expression is true when number of received bytes on eth0 is more than 100 KB within last 5 minutes.